Punjabi University CELTE organized capacity building program


Punjabi University CELTE organized capacity building program

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in

Centre for E-Learning and Teaching Excellence (CELTE), Punjabi University, Patiala organized a capacity building program here on the topic of “How to Incorporate MOOC in University Curriculum?”. Dr. Asmita Bakshi, Academic Coordinator, CEC enlightened the Deans of various faculties, Head/Incharge  of the departments, Director, Guru Kashi Campuses, Punjabi University Patiala about incorporating MOOC into the curriculum of the University, its advantages and cleared the doubts/myths of these officers about the incorporation. She emphasized on the importance of developing MOOCs for higher education and explained in detailed the process of including the same in university curriculum.  The MOOCs/ SWAYAM online courses are aimed at enhancing the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in higher education by inclusion of masses who are deprived of the same due to lack of resources. These courses will help to fulfil the objectives of NEP 2020 to increase the GER to 50% by 2035.

The program was attended by more than 500 participants via YouTube Live streaming.Prof. Arvind, Vice Chancellor in his inaugural session shared his ideas about developing Online interactive laboratories in which certain material is available with the students and certain instructions/videos are shared with them by their teachers for performing experiments. He said that Punjabi University has also contributed a lot for these e-contents in the form of MOOC courses with the help of its Education Multimedia Research Centre(EMRC). Various regulatory bodies like UGC, AICTE etc are boosting Universities for adding at least 20% of their courses as MOOC courses, he told.

Punjabi University CELTE organized capacity building program
Dr. B.S. Sandhu, Dean Academic Affairs in his concluding remarks informed that Physics department has already added Swayam courses as open elective courses for their department students three years back.
Prof. Vishal Goyal has taken lead to request CEC for exempting final examination fee of Rs. 1000/- to be paid by students opting for MOOC. As a result, in general, University students were given exemption from paying examination fees for MOOC courses and they can incorporate these course by prefixing SWAYAM keyword with subject name so that if reflects that this MOOC course done by a student during their study at University. The CELTE team lead by Dr. G S Batra, Director, Dr. Vishal Goyal, Deputy Director, Dr. Gurpreet Singh Josan and Dr. Vikas Deep, Coordinators expressed their hearty thanks to all the dignitaries and participants for making this event successful.

June 11,2021