Punjabi University gets Registrar after 60 days; other appointments made by VC


Punjabi University gets Registrar after 60 days; other appointments made by VC

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in News/ August 3,2024

Punjabi University officiating vice chancellor KK Yadav (IAS) has appointed Prof Sanjiv Puri of Physics department as the registrar. His appointment is made till further orders.

The post of regular registrar fall vacant after Dr Navjot Kaur had resigned on June 5,2024. After that the additional charge of registrar was given to dean academic affairs Prof Ashok Tewari

Similarly, Dr Gurpreet Singh Sidhu, assistant professor civil engineering department has been given the charge of additional controller of examination.

Anhad Singh Gill, assistant professor civil engineering department has been appointed as NSS Co-coordinator

Punjabi University gets Registrar after 60 days; other appointments made by VC Punjabi University gets Registrar after 60 days; other appointments made by VC

Punjabi University gets Registrar after 60 days; other appointments made by VC


Punjabi University gets officiating Registrar; VC accepts Navjot Kaur’s resignation