Punjabi university is organizing international conference on Psychology


Punjabi university is organizing international conference on Psychology

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in

The Department of Psychology, Punjabi University, Patiala is organizing a 3-days 56the National & 25the International Conference of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology (IAAP). The conference is being held through online mode on 18-20 Feb, 2021 on the theme of ‘Actualizing Human Potential. Parneet Kaur, MP, Patiala will be chief Guest in the inaugural session.

The conference will be focussing on the various sub themes such as Enhancing Human Potential, Psychological Well-being, Women and Child Mental Health, Current Trends and Future direction of Applied Psychology and psychological perspectives of creating New Normal.

International speakers from different countries like the USA, UK, Canada and New Zealand will be talking to the audience on the wide range of subthemes. More than 500 national and international delegates have got registered for the conference. They will be presenting their research papers online and attend online sessions including workshop/symposium/plenary session/collegium events.

Punjabi university is organizing international conference on Psychology



The Conference deliberation will be on the following


  1. Enhancing Human Potential: Psychological Insights
  2. Psychological Well-Being: Bio-Psycho-SocialSpiritual Influences
  3. Dealing With Existential Crisis In 21st Century
  4. Impact Of Digital Media On Psychological Well Being
  5. Creating The New Normal: Psychological Perspectives
  6. Mental Health And Psychosocial Support In Crisis
  7. Woman and Child Mental Health: New Frontiers New Goals
  8. Combating Substance and Behaviour Addictions
  9. Issues and Concerns Of Special Population:Psychological Insights
  10. Tapping Yoga, Meditation and Nature Based Therapies For Holistic Wellness
  11. Developing Greater Meaning In Life- Role of Positive Psychology
  12. Applied Psychology: Current trends and future directions
  13. Interdisciplinary research – Bridging Gaps and Transcending Boundaries
  14. Contribution of Eastern Perspectives in fostering Mental Health
  15. Psychosocial Issues in Punjab: Critical insights

February 17,2021