Punjabi University issues instructions for final exams
Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in/ Chandigarh
Examinations for final semester/year of various courses for academic session 2019-2020 of Punjabi University, Patiala are starting from September 25, 2020. Keeping in view the social distancing norms and safety and health concerns in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic the University, is going to conduct these examinations by adopting alternative ways so that students of the University could pursue their career further. Giving this information Controller Examinations Dr. J.I.S Khattar told that every Department/College will conduct examination of its regular/reappear students of final year/semester at their own level. Distribution of question papers and evaluation of answer sheets will also be done at college/department level. Heads/Principals of the Departments and Colleges will be the Controllers of the examination centres and they will appoint Coordinators/Nodal officers and Assistant Nodal Officers for the examination. He further informed that a notification regarding detailed instruction’s has been released. On the day of examination, the question papers will be made available to the students through email or by other communication channels like WhatsApp or on the website of department or college. Therefore, regular/reappear students of departments/colleges are instructed to remain in constant contact with their departments/colleges so as to understand and follow the instructions properly.
Private students can download their question papers from the website or the web link of examination branch (Punjabi University) given on their admit card. The examination session for students of undergraduate classes will begin at 10.00 am and will be till 02.00 pm. The exam session of all the other classes will be from 09.00 am to 01.00 pm. There will be 02 hours for the candidates to solve the paper. In addition, the candidate will be given 02 hours extra to download the question paper, scan the answer sheets and send pdf files of these via email. Thus total 04 hours will be given to the candidate for the entire process. Visually impaired/differently abled students will be given 40 minutes extra time to solve the paper.
However, the candidates will arrange themselves the writers for writing their papers. For B.Ed or any other course, if the time limit of a paper is less than 2 hours, the students will solve their paper in the earlier prescribed time only. Before the start of examinations, the departments/colleges may conduct learning/mock sessions also at their own levels to practice the process of sending of question papers and receiving of answer sheets. Students have also been advised to take part in such mock exercises so that they do not face any kind of problem at the time of examination. The students will soon be able to download their admit cards. Date sheet for the examinations is going to be released soon on the website of examination branch. As per these instructions, each student can use a maximum of 16 of A-4 size (A-4) sheets to solve the question paper. The candidate will write on one side only of each page and will write the class/roll number/subject//medium/ number of used sheets/date and sign according to the sample answer sheet. Only blue ball pan would be used by the student to solve the paper. The total pages used by the student will be shown on the first page of the answer sheet. The student will also verify at the end of the answered sheet that this paper is in his /her own handwriting only. The students will write the page number on each page.

The students are advised to prepare the answer sheets according to the format given much before the start of the examinations. Each student will be required to attempt 50% of the total questions of the question pape . If half of the total question is in decimals (0.5), it is to be ignored. For example, if the total number of questions in the question paper is 9 or 7, then 4 and 3 questions will be answered by the candidate, respectively. The marks of all the questions will be equal. Instructions regarding the sections of question paper, if any, should be ignored. Total marks of the paper will remain unchanged. After solving the paper, the candidates would scan and create a PDF file. This PDF file will be attached to the email given by the department/college. If the student does not have the resources to scan the answer sheets or send a file as a PDF, he/she may submit his/her answer sheets in the specified time at the nearest Department/College/Institute College/Neighbourhood Campus/Regional Centre of the Punjabi University. Student will have a receipt in this regard and will keep it safe with him/her. If no such college of Punjabi University is nearby, then student will send his/her answer sheets through a registered post or speed post to the Principal of the concerned college or Head of the department within the stipulated time. Private Students will send scanned PDF of answer sheets on the email shown on their admit card. If this is not possible, they will post their answer sheets to the Assistant Registrar, Secrecy Branch, Examinations, Punjabi University, Patiala, 147002 through registered post or speed post. Students are also advised to keep in touch with their department/college and to keep checking the University website from time to time for the guidelines issued regarding examinations. Private students will also continue to check these instructions on the website of the examination branch of the University. It is also clear in the instructions that re-evaluation/ re-checking of papers will not be allowed for the examinations of this session.
Any student, who has submitted the exam fee and form for the final semester but somehow is unable to appear in the examination due to living in containment zones or is corona positive, will inform the University, his Department or the concerned college before the commencement of the examination in writing or e-mode. Such student can sit in the next exams afterwards when the examinations are held.