Punjabi university working fiasco; hold university syndicate meeting-PUTA


Punjabi university working fiasco; hold university syndicate meeting-PUTA

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in/ Chandigarh

Punjabi university teachers association (PUTA) has written a letter to Punjabi university vice chancellor to hold an emergency meeting of Syndicate on Financial Crisis in Punjabi University.

In a letter written by PUTA  read” we all know, Punjabi University at present is in a serious financial crisis. This crisis is deepening with every passing day. University administration, despite all the efforts, could not arrange the funds for the release of salary for the month of May till today, i.e. 19 June, 2020. This is extremely disturbing as staff needs salary immediately as their household budget largely depends upon it. “

It further states that “ironically there is no official communiqué from the side of university about the status of salary. Few months back PUTA has written to all syndicate members and your good self also about holding of the special meeting of syndicate about university finances, but that has never been convened. Has that meeting been arranged we might have not faced the present situation. It is very strange that university holds just two or three meeting of syndicate in a year. Non-holding of syndicate meetings on regular basis has proved very costly for the university in terms of academic and administrative effectiveness.”

Punjabi university working fiasco; hold university syndicate meeting-PUTA

PUTA President Jaswinder Singh Brar said “University financial situation is in doldrums with widening the gap between income and expenditures without any limits. Noticeably, the net income of the university is on the decline since fiscal 2016-17. There is huge outstanding of debt and over-drafting against the university by local branch of SBI. There are wider apprehensions about the practice of excessive borrowing as university has never made it public the annual interest and loan flows between bank and university and mortgaging if any.

PUTA  general secretary Gurnam Singh Virk said “the declared policy of state government is not to hold salaries and pensions during the period of Covid; which university is violating. After all everybody want to know what went wrong with university finances? Under what circumstances university administration is not succeeding in convincing the state government about the financial requirements of university. “

“PUTA has also written to Chief Minister of Punjab about the financial crisis of university a few days back. PUTA is of the considered opinion that university administration has to further gear up the efforts, than those done up till now, to put university finances on track in order to avoid financial collapse” said PUTA members

A member said, we requested the vice chancellor that “to take up the matter with utmost sincerity as things are going out of control. “

Brar said we requested the VC to “kindly convene the emergency meeting of university syndicate, the governing body of university, exclusive on financial crisis and non-payment of salary in a day or so as now government has appointed its members also. “
