Recruit 1090 Patwaris in revenue department; 1 Kanugo for 7 Patwar circles-CMO


Recruit 1090 Patwaris in revenue department; 1 Kanugo for 7 Patwar circles-CMO

KI Singh/ Chandigarh

Too boost efficiency in the functioning of the Revenue Department, the Punjab Cabinet led by Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Wednesday gave the nod to recruit 1090 Patwaris against vacant posts.

Disclosing this here today, a spokesperson of the Chief Minister Office said that the decision was taken in view of the important role played by the Revenue Department – a key sector of the State Administration, in which Patwaris play a vital role in compiling, maintaining and updating the land records.

Recruit 1090 Patwaris in revenue department; 1 Kanugo for 7 Patwar circles-CMO-Photo courtesy-Internet

The decision would improve the public delivery system, besides helping dispose off the revenue work far more efficaciously. Subsequently, the public at large would also be benefitted from this pro-people initiative, said the spokesperson.

Meanwhile, the Cabinet also approved posting of one Kanugo for seven Patwar circles, instead of the existing practice of one Kanugo after 10 patwar circles, thus creating 34 new posts of Kanugos for this purpose. The decision has been taken in the light of the enhanced work load of the field Kanugos, due to the social-economic transformation taking place across the state.

Department of Revenue

The Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation & Disaster Management is headed by the Financial Commissioner Revenue, who is also Additional Chief Secretary to Government of Punjab in respect of Revenue Department. The State of Punjab is divided into five divisions namely; Jalandhar, Patiala, Roopnagar, Ferozepur and Faridkot and each division is headed by the Divisional Commissioner. Divisions are divided into Districts, which are headed by the Deputy Commissioners, who also exercises the powers of Collector and Registrar under Indian Registration and Stamp Acts. Districts are divided into Sub-Divisions, Tehsils and Sub-Tehsils. Sub Divisions are headed by Sub Divisional Magistrates, Tehsils are headed by Tehsildars and Sub-Tehsils are headed by Naib Tehsildars. There are 22 districts, 91 Sub-Divisions, 91 Tehsils and 81 Sub-Tehsils in the State of Punjab.