Registration opens for Wings for Life World Run on 5th May 2019


Registration opens for Wings for Life World Run on 5th May 2019

KS Diwan/ Chandigarh

The Wings for Life World Run. The race where every participant is sure to finish!

The Wings for Life World Run is a global charity event with a unique, and uniquely fun, format.

It’s a worldwide run where everybody starts simultaneously and the finish line chases you!

Here’s how it works: On one day each year (this year on 5th May 2019), the Wings for Life World Run takes place at event locations (nearby is at Chandigarh in Sukhna Lake) across the planet. Everybody starts at exactly the same moment, 11 am UTC (4:30 PM IST). Whether it’s day or night, bright sun or pouring rain at your location – you’re running together with the world and sharing an amazing experience. Your name shows up on a global result list, too!

Registration opens for Wings for Life World Run on 5th May 2019

Just a newbie to running? The Wings for Life World Run is perfect for everyone, of every ability, because you set your own goals and you don’t head toward a distant finish line. Instead, the finish line catches up with you. A half hour after the race starts, a moving finish line, the “Catcher Car,” chases runners along the course, gradually getting faster until each one is caught. The first runners passed after a few kilometers are the first to celebrate their accomplishments, while the last man and woman to be caught are declared Global Champions. (92.14 km is the current record!)

Can’t make it to an event location?

It’s still easy to join the global movement. Get the Wings for Life World Run Application on your mobile and you’ll be chased by a Virtual Catcher Car at the same time (5:00 PM IST) as all the other runners around the globe. And be sure to check out the Organized App Runs, where groups are meeting to run with the App together. You can run from home or outside your garden or in parks, on your college campus tracks with friends and your distance is measured as soon as you begin the run. An automatic certificate would be generated once you begin running, no matter how long you run at your place.

Registration opens for Wings for Life World Run on 5th May 2019

Every cent raised goes to cutting-edge research.

When you participate in the Wings for Life World Run, you know you’re making an impact. 100% of all entry fees and all donations raised through fundraising campaigns go directly to life-changing spinal cord research projects and clinical trials at renowned universities and institutes worldwide. The nonprofit Wings for Life Spinal Cord Research Foundation is a driving force behind the mission, and Red Bull covers the foundation’s administrative costs in full as well as costs for the Wings for Life World Run.

You make the difference.

Who participates in the Wings for Life World Run? People who care – and who like to have fun while making a difference. People like you! So if you’re the crazy costume type, go for it. But if you’re serious about your result, that’s fine, too. Either way, you’ll be running together with athletes, casual joggers, and wheelchair users. The young and the not-so-young. Everyday people and famous names.

Together, we run for those who can’t.  Join us on the 5th of May for Wings For Life World Run sharp at 4:30 pm. Let’s generate funds to find a cure for spinal cord injuries.

Registration opens for Wings for Life World Run on 5th May 2019


Kindly share the screenshot of successful registration on the below-mentioned contact number. For any queries, contact
