Relations between the SC’s and Government at all-time low-NSCA


Relations between the SC’s and Government at all-time low-NSCA

Chandigarh-The National Scheduled Castes Commission has taken stern notice of the recent transfer and posting of various civil and police officials in the State, inquiring from the State Government on the criterion on which the transfers were made and has ordered to present a report on how the decisions for the postings were made. Doubting if there were any irregularities in the manner of postings or to remove any doubt of a bias against the Scheduled Castes civil and police officials, the National Scheduled Castes Commission asked the Chief Secretary of Punjab Karan Avtar Singh through a letter to give a detailed report on the issue which was highlighted extensively in the recent weeks by the National Scheduled Castes Alliance and its President, Paramjit Singh Kainth. The Commission summoned the State government’s top bureaucrat under its power from Article 338 of the Indian Constitution.

Kainth lamented on the State Government and its policies saying that “the Government programmes – especially those pertaining to SC welfare are never taken seriously and there are no effective monitoring system to pinpoint the failures of the plan objectives. There are diversion of resources and lack of utility of the schemes. Therefore, the condition of these communities is still remained very miserable. Therefore, remedial measures and effective course corrections should have to be implemented. The disparity has affected adversely, the social, economic and cultural life of the Scheduled Castes. Officers belonging to the SC community know these problems and hence can be an added advantage in tackling such problems but the Anti- Scheduled Castes stance of the government is hindering the process. This needs to change.”

Kainth said “Scheduled Castes comprises 35% of the population in Punjab and able officers from our community who know the problems that this community faces have been ignored from being posted in positions where they can deal and communicate with the Public constantly.

Relations between the SC’s and Government at all-time low-NSCA

The Scheduled Castes community have been constantly ignored for the highest posts and even are not allotted an area during their transfer where they can constantly be in service for the people. It seems today that the social sanction of their status as lesser beings allows their impoverishment to continue, this is the same for the Officers who through hard work and dedication have achieved this status and are yet still being ignored when it comes to transfers and promotions, only because they are Scheduled Castes.”