Safety and Protection to Foreign Women


Safety and Protection to Foreign Women

The Ministry of Tourism has launched the 24×7 Toll Free Multi-Lingual Tourist Info-Helpline on the toll free number 1800111363 or on a short code 1363 in 12 Languages including 10 international languages and in Hindi & English in February 2016, for domestic and foreign tourists to provide support service in terms of information relating to Travel in India and also offers appropriate guidance to tourists in distress while travelling in India.

The Ministry of Tourism in the year 2010, has launched code of conduct to be adopted by the Indian travel and tourism industry for Safe Tourism with the objectives to encourage tourism activities to be undertaken with respect to basic rights like dignity, safety and freedom from exploitation of both tourists and local residents, in particular women and children.

Safety and Protection to Foreign Women

The Ministry of Tourism has issued the Guidelines on Safety and Security of Tourists for State Governments /Union Territories and ‘Tips for Travelers’ in September 2014 to stress the importance of safety and risk management, assist in identifying best practices and encourage closer cooperation for ensuring a pleasant experience to the tourists.

The State Governments / Union Territory Administrations of Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh and Odisha have deployed Tourist Police, in one form or the other.

The Ministry of Tourism has launched Social Awareness Media Campaigns with the objective of sensitizing stakeholders in the tourism industry as well as the masses and general public about the importance of good conduct and behavior towards tourists and to reinforce the spirit of ‘Atithidevo Bhava’.

‘Police’ and ‘Public Order’ are State subjects under the Seventh Schedule  to  the Constitution  of  India.  The responsibility to maintain law and order, protection of life and property of the people rests primarily with the respective State Governments. The State Governments are competent to deal with such offences under the extant provisions of laws.

This was stated by the Minister of State for Home Affairs, Hansraj Ganga Ram Ahir in a written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha.