School education department issues new guidelines for utilization of sports funds


School education department issues new guidelines for utilization of sports funds

Kanwar Inder Singh/

The Punjab School Education Department has issued new instructions to the school heads regarding the utilization of the existing sports funds to bring more transparency in the expenditure.

Disclosing this here today, a spokesperson of the school education department said that the school heads are given powers upto Rs. 60,000 of fund utilisation.

The district education officers can use funds up to one lakh, whereas full powers are given to the head of the department. These funds are to be utilised to raise the standard of sports in the state.

School education department issues new guidelines for utilization of sports funds-Photo courtesy-Internet
Punjab Govt

According to the spokesperson, the schools have been directed to constitute a five member committee for the development of playgrounds and procurement of sports equipment’s. These committees will be constituted by involving the school head, two members each from SMC (school management committee) and teachers. In case, the school is having the sports teacher, then it will be mandatory to include him/her in the committee. The instructions are issued to get the estimate from the J.E. of the district for the development of playgrounds. After that the process of e-tendering will be followed for various contractors / firms . According to the spokesperson, it has also been directed to do the complete photography regarding the construction work of the playgrounds from the starting to the completion of the whole process.

According to the spokesperson, the teams of the department will visit the schools from time to time to monitor all these activities. The District Education Officer / DM Sports / BM Sports have been asked to visit the school during the construction of playgrounds and purchasing of sports tools and equipments. All the concerned officers are instructed for the strict compliance of the rules issued by the education department.

March 1,2021