Seminar on Press, People and the Jallianwala Bagh massacre at Guru Nanak Dev University


Seminar on Press, People and the Jallianwala Bagh massacre at Guru Nanak Dev University

Kanwar Inder Singh/ April 17,2023

At the  104th anniversary of  Jallianwala Bagh massacre, the Jallianwala Bagh Chair  organized a national Seminar “Press, People and the Jallianwala Bagh massacre” . The initiative to organize the Seminar  came from Guru Nanak Dev University Vice-Chancellor , Prof. Jaspal  Singh Sandhu.  Chairperson Prof. Amandeep Bal  narrated the activities organised  by the Jallianwala Bagh Chair and Department of History  on the centennial commemoration of the massacre in 2019 and afterwards.

The Keynote speaker Prof. Salil Misra of Abedkar University called Jallianwala Bagh a transformative moment.  He said the transformation manifested itself at four different levels – local, regional, national and even global. The image of the city of Amritsar was transformed from a sacred religious place to a site of the anti-imperialist struggle  The massacre also changed the face of Punjab as a region. From being a colonial heartland and a garrison state at the service of the colonial state, Punjab emerged as the headquarters of the nationalist struggle.

Seminar on Press, People and the Jallianwala Bagh massacre at Guru Nanak Dev University

Seminar on Press, People and the Jallianwala Bagh massacre at Guru Nanak Dev University. Prof. Harjeet Singh Gill, Professor Emiretus, JNU, New Delhi  said Jallianwala Bagh is a symbol of Hindu, Muslim and Sikh unity. Professor Sarbjot Singh Behl, Dean Academic Affairs while presenting vote of thanks narrated his  poem “Tain ki dard naa aya”  Prof S.S. Sohal former professor of History Department spoke on Irish factor in Jallianwala Bagh massacre, Prof Jaspalkaur of Punjabi University discussed contribution of Udham Singh, Prof Sukhmani Bal Riar of Panjab University spoke on  VI &VII volume of Disorders Inquiry Committee Report, Prof. Joginder Singh discussed the attitude of the Sikh Gentry towards massacre.

Other presenters were Dr. Charanjit Kaur, Dr. Jasbir Singh, Dr. Raj Kumar, Dr. Baljit Singh and Dr. Dilbag Singh.  Prof. Parminder Singh (retd.), Department of English, GNDU, Amritsar in his valedictory address said March and April of 1919 are symbols of unity. He said on this day we must pay homage to Teja Singh Swantantar who sent 40 guards for the protection of Saifuddin Kitchlew, the ‘Hero of Jallianwala ‘ in 1947.

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