Senior citizens attend meet your doctors program at Shalby


Senior citizens attend meet your doctors program at Shalby

Gurpreet Kaur/ Mohali

As many as 50 members of Mohali Senior Citizens Association attend a ‘meet your doctors’ program at Shalby Hospital here on Tuesday.

During occasion Dr Naveen Mittal & Dr. Mohit Gupta  both ortho surgeon , Dr Amar Bhadari psychiatrist, Dr Harpreet Kaur, Dr.Vandana & Dr Shreyaans the gynecologists , Dr Namrata head of intensive care unit, Dr Sachin Bindal neuro surgeon, Dr Meetu Mehra deputy medical superintendent , Dr. Gurvinder Dheeraj from ENT , Dr Akash Garg  from internal medicine spoke about the recent development in their respective medical field.

Senior citizens attend meet your doctors program at Shalby

Among others, Dr SS Gill, clinical head, Kuljeet Singh Bedi , councilor , Satpal Singh Gambhir and Vishal Mishra, CAO and Head Corporate Development respectively were also presented during occasion.

Talking about Zero technique in knee replacement , Dr Naveen Mittal said that the technique has many advantages including requirement of minimum surgical time. The surgery time required by zero technique is a just 8-10 minutes  thus it’s a truly revolution in the history of surgery.”

He said further that it require minimum intake of drugs thus less consumption of painkiller and antibiotics leading to minimum drug-related side effects. There is not only less infection and side effects but also less blood loss. Being a painless procedure with minimum hospital stay, minimum exposure and quick healing, this procedure leads to less emotional and mental stress on both the patient and the family, he informed.

Talking about psychiatry problems in elder people , Dr Bhandari said that aged people are worst affected by various psychiatry disorders. 22 to 25 percent of aged people face psychiatry disorders which if remain unattended can in fact prove fatal.

Senior citizens attend meet your doctors program at Shalby

The worst part is that majority of those suffering from psychiatry disorders fail to get timely and right treatment due to lack of knowledge, carelessness towards problem and stigma related to psychiatry. The lack of timely treatment also enhance suicidal tendency among those affected by psychiatry disorders, he maintained.