Sensitize the students to environmental issues so that man and nature composedly inter-breathe: VC


Sensitize the students to environmental issues so that man and nature composedly inter-breathe: VC

Kanwar Inder Singh/

The online multi-disciplinary Summer School (Environment & Sustainable Habitat) has been successfully conducted by UGC-Human Resource Development Centre. Chief-Patron Prof. Jaspal Singh Sandhu, Vice-Chancellor GNDU graced the occasion and highlighted efforts made by GNDU to enrich the environment by increasing green cover of the university, saving water resources by preparing first environmental audit report and maximizing solar energy utilization through rooftop photovoltaic cells on all the major buildings of the university.He invited the participants to visit the beautiful university campus in person. GNDU, he said, will access the water consumption on regular basis by installing real time flow meters on the borewells. Prof Sandhu shared that GNDU was rated as the second cleanest government residential university as per Swachh Campus Ranking-2019 by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India. He said that managing 500 acres of campus is a herculean task as compared to smaller campuses. Vice-Chancellor was delighted to share that Prof. Adarshpal Vig of Botanical & Environmental Sciences department had joined as Chairman, Punjab Pollution Control Board just recently. Prof. Sandhu emphasized that the teacher participants should use the new perspectives that they had learnt in the course, to sensitize their students to environmental issues so that humans can live in harmony with nature and both composedly inter-breathe.

Sensitize the students to environmental issues so that man and nature composedly inter-breathe: VC

The participants included faculty members of GNDU and other institutions from various specialization viz. Chemistry, Computer Science, Commerce & Management, Economics, Electronics Technology, History, Music, Religious Study, Sociology, etc. The course coordinator, Prof. M S Bhatti thanked the Vice-Chancellor for trusting him with the job and the support from HRDC in inviting eminent resource persons such as Vice-Chancellor of University of Ladakh, Emeritus Professor from University of Hyderabad, Fellow of National Academy from ICT Mumbai, faculty from IIT Mumbai, IIT Kharagpur, CSIR labs of IHBT Palampur & National Physical Laboratory (NPL) New Delhi, Dean of School of Environmental Sciences JNU New Delhi, Scientist from ARIES Nainital and CPCB New Delhi etc. There were thirty-two academic sessions of 90 minutes each and participants were exposed to varied fields of Biodiversity, Sustainable Management, Remote Sensing, Geographical Information systems (GIS), Advanced Wastewater Treatment, Air Quality, Cloud Chemistry, Arsenic in groundwater, Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), etc. in addition toGNDU faculty.

September 6,2021