Social activist Dr Harshindar to be conferred with Kalpana Chawla excellency award
Gurjit Singh/ Patiala
Dr Harshindar Kaur has been involved in multifarious social activities. To name a few she has been creating awareness amongst women and girls for their rights as enshrined in the constitution of India, creating awareness and fighting against female feticide, holding free medical camps in rural and urban areas of Punjab alongwith her husband, Dr Gurpal Singh , educating 415 poor orphan girls through her trust and fighting against crimes being committed on minor girls. She has also been distributing free medicines and wheel chairs to needy patients.
Due to her untiring efforts in the field of medicine and social service for last three decades, Dr Harshindar Kaur has been selected by the Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo for the Annual Kalpana Chawla Excellency Award for the year 2020.
Dr Raghbir Singh, Vice Chancellor of Guru Kashi University said that father of late astronaut Kalpana Chawla would be visiting the campus for bestowing the award.
Previously, Dr Kaur has been honoured by the President of India and selected among the Top 100 Women Achievers of India.

Dr Kaur has been honoured with more than 1800 Awards and citations in India and in USA, Canada, Europe, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Pakistan and United Nations, Geneva.
Known as International Women rights activist and as Dhee Punjab Di , Dr Harshindar Kaur has been conferred the Punjab State Award two times. She has also been feted by youth clubs, Panchayats and NGOs of Punjab.
Dr Harshindar Kaur is devoted to humbly serve the needy people of Punjab and has received accolades in various state parliaments of various countries. She is the author of 41 books and has received recognitions and awards for them in India and abroad.
Mark Zuckerberg ,CEO of Facebook featured the Top 100 Women Achievers of India on his page recently , it included Dr Harshindar Kaur and 99 other women achievers.
PM of India ,Narender Modi also congratulated these 100 women achievers on Twitter.
Dr Harshindar Kaur has received many international fellowships in the field of Medicine. T V serial based on her writings are also in the offing. Her stories and prose has been incorporated in school, college and University curriculum.
Her work in the rural areas of Punjab has been shown on national TV network of Netherlands through a documentary and has also been highlighted in film “Tamanna”.
A film based on her story is in the offing in Hollywood.
This award is going to be conferred on the 1st of February and along with her Dr Inderjit Kaur of Pingalwara will also be honoured on that day.