Some relief for students: minimum wages increased in Canada’s five provinces


Some relief for students: minimum wages increased in Canada’s five provinces

SJ Singh/ Diaspora Correspondent/ September 27,2023

This year Oct. 1 is set to be a busy day for payroll across Canada as five provinces will be boosting the minimum wage rate that day.

With the increase in prices,the new minimum wage in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Prince Edward Island will come into effect on October 1, 2023 will bring some relief for the Canadians.

The minimum wage is the lowest wage rate set by Canadian provinces; it is the minimum remuneration below which a business cannot hire any employee legally.

This minimum wage applies to all employees, regardless of age or number of hours worked and paying less than the minimum set wage is illegal.

Some relief for students: minimum wages increased in Canada’s five provinces

Some relief for students: minimum wages increased in Canada’s five provinces

New minimum wage in Ontario 

Ontario’s new minimum wage, which goes into effect on October 1st, 2023 will be $16.55 per hour. This will be a $1.05 increase from $15.50 an hour.

Manitoba’s new minimum wage

Manitoba’s new minimum wage, which goes into effect on October 1st, will be $15.30 per hour. An increase of $1.15 from current minimum wage of $14.15 an hour.

New Nova Scotia minimum wage

Nova Scotia is also set to increase the minimum wage second time in 2023 to $15 per hour on October 1, 2023.

Previously, minimum wage was increased to $14.50 an hour on April 1, 2023 from $13.60 per hour. This is a $1.40 raise in the minimum wage.

Minimum wage increasing in Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan will be increasing the minimum wage in province by $1 from $13 to $14 per hour, which goes into effect on October 1st.

Last raise was done on October 1, 2022 when the Saskatchewan government raised the minimum wage from $11.81 to $13.00 per hour.

Newfoundland and Labrador New Minimum Wage

Newfoundland and Labrador is also increasing minimum wage for the second time this year. The new minimum wage will be $15 per hour, effective October 1.

Previously, on April 1, 2023, province raised the minimum wage to $14.50 per hour from $13.70 per hour.

Prince Edward Island minimum wage raise

Minimum wage in Prince Edward Island (PEI) will increase by 50 cents from $14.50 an hour to $15 per hour on October 1, 2023.

Minimum wage in all the Canadian Provinces and Next Raise Schedule

GeographyCurrent Minimum WageUpcoming RaiseEffective Date
Ontario$15.50$16.55October 1, 2023
Manitoba $14.15$15.30October 1, 2023
Nova Scotia $14.50$15.00October 1, 2023
Saskatchewan$13.00$15.00October 1, 2023
Newfoundland & Labrador$14.50$15.00October 1, 2023
Prince Edward Island$14.50$15.00October 1, 2023
Canada (Federally regulated private sectors)$16.65$17.75 (estimated)April 1, 2024
New Brunswick $14.75$15.50 (estimated)April 1, 2024 (Expected)
Alberta $15.00TBDTo Be Decided (TBD)
British Columbia $16.75$17.75 (estimated)June 1, 2024
Quebec $15.25$16.25 (estimated)May 1, 2024
Nunavut$16.00TBDApril 1, 2024
Northwest Territories $16.05$17 (estimated)September 1, 2024
Yukon$16.77$17.50(estimated)April 1, 2024