Sorrow and happiness revealed various messages during YUVFORIA-2019


Sorrow and happiness revealed various messages during YUVFORIA-2019

Gurpreet Kaur/ Amritsar

On the Third day of ongoing YUVFORIA-2019 at GNDU, 35th North Zone Inter-University Youth Festival, the competitions in One Act Play, Western Group Song, Classical (Inst.) (Non-Percussion), Classical (Inst.) Percussion, Debate, Rangoli, Cartooning were organized. A large number of students witnessed sorrow and happiness in the one act plays performed by various teams in the Dasmesh Auditorium.

Sorrow and happiness revealed various messages during YUVFORIA-2019

Through the dramas, student-artists successful manage to convey the messages against the prevailing social evils in our society. In play ‘Duvidha’ which was derived from Vijaydan Detha’s short story, the play tells of a merchant’s son who returns home with his new bride only to be sent away again for family business for 7 years. A ghost witnesses the bridge’s arrival and falls in love with her. He takes on the husband’s form and lives with her. She has his child and then the real husband reaches home. A shepherd finally traps the ghost in a bag.

Sorrow and happiness revealed various messages during YUVFORIA-2019

Similarly, play ‘Behavioral Science’ deals with human action and often seeks generalize about human behavior as it relates society. This deals with the story of sensitive relationship between mother and son. An emotional one act play left the message of dealing with true and false relations.

Play ‘Jaan-e-mann’ deals with the plight of enuches in our society. In the play the tragedy behind the life of eunuchs was revealed in the play. In one side we call them to be the part of happy moment of our lives but at the same time we tease them by calling Hijraasand jaan-e-mann. 

In an another competition of debate, Natural Disasters are Man Made was the theme of debate. As many as 22 teams participated and presented their views on Global Warming, Pollution, Play With Nature On The Name of Development.

On December 28, competitions of Group Song (Indian), Folk / Tribal Dance (Venue-I), Light Vocal (Indian), Western (Instrument) Solo (Venue-II), Quiz Preliminary, Quiz Final (Venue-III), Installation, Mehndi, Poster Making (Venue-IV) will be held. He said that on December 29, the Valedictory function of the fest will be held in Dasmesh Auditorium.