Special Seminar organise at Mata Gujri College


A special seminar on the topic of ‘ Sri Guru Granth Sahib Vich Daraj Bhagat Banikaar: Darshnik Vichardaara’ was organised in Mata Gujri College, Fatehgarh Sahib under the leadership of Prof. Kirpal Singh Badungar, President, Shiromani GurudwaraPrabandhak Committee, Sri Amritsar Sahib.

ProfessorInderjitSingh Gogoani, Head, Religion Department, Khalsa College, Amritsar, ProfessorGurnaib Singh, Chairperson of Bhai Veer Singh Chair, Punjabi University, Patiala and ProfessorMalkinder Kaur, head of the department, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Studies, Punjabi University Patiala were the key speakers of the seminar.

Dr. Kashmir Singh,Director Principal, Mata Gujri College  welcomed and congratulated the President, SGPC, Prof. Kirpal Singh Badungar for the success in arranging the 104th seminar on ‘Philosophical views on Bhagat Bani’s’.

Special Seminar organise at Mata Gujri College

Professor Kirpal Singh Badungar, President SGPC, narrated, ” Bhagats were not same as traditional saints, they all challanged the political and social systems of the society of that time”.”They had great knowledge and were great philosophers” he added.

Dr. Malkinder Kaur shared his views as,” Bani is related to experience and experience depends on Sadhna. All Banikars were on the same path and in the similar tones with God.” She explained the concept of ‘Begumpura’ which was given by BhagatRavidassji.

Professor Gurnaib Singh described the contribution of Sikhism in empowering the status of women and gave a detailed knowledge on the Banis written in Sri Guru Granth Sahib. “BhagatBani is the voice of Hindustan. Bhagats were so brave that they challanged the social system of that time”, he added and acclaimed that the first ever Auto biography was written by BhagatNamDev in ‘Ashtpadi‘ in Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

Professor Inderjit Singh Gogoani pointed out the flaws in Indian society is that profession of a person is associats with its clan/caste. He said that the views in Bani’s broke the rigidness and gave the message of Spritualism.

Jaswinder Singhof  B.A.II and Kiranveer Singh of M.Phil.political science read the papers on Philosophical views of Baba Farid and BhagatKabir, respectively.

Dr. Dharminder Singh Ubha, Principal, Khlasa College, Patiala extended a vote of thanks to the distinguished guests, after the Special Seminar organise at Mata Gujri College.