Stage set for Horse Show in Royal City Patiala


Stage set for Horse Show in Royal City Patiala

Kanwar Inder Singh/ February 19,2023

The Royal City of Patiala would host the Equestrian or Horse Show on 25th and 26th February 2023 at Polo Ground, Patiala in which the finest sports horses in the region will participate.

The show is being organized by the Maharaja Bhupinder Singh Punjab Sports University (MBSPU), Yadvindra Public School (YPS) and Punjab Equestrian Association.

As per available information, Patiala’s Equestrian or Horse Show would be the show of its kind in the northern region as the Punjab Police, Indo Tibet Border Police (ITBP), Haryana Police, Punjab Public School (PPS), Nabha, Yadvindra Public School (YPS), Patiala and CHRS, Chandigarh would be participating in the show.

The show is a part of the ongoing Patiala Heritage Festival 202, is being conducted as per the rules and regulations laid down by the Federation Equestre Internationale . The Patiala administration is supporting this Horse Show and is open for all.

Show Jumping, Gymkhana events, Tent Pegging and Hunters & Hacks events would be held during the show.

Stage set for Horse Show at Royal City Patiala

What is show jumping?

show jumping, competitive equestrian event in which horse and rider are required to jump, usually within a time limit, a series of obstacles that have been designed for a particular show. If possible, the horse is warmed up by walking and trotting for at least half an hour before entering the arena.

What is Gymkhana Events?

Gymkhana events  is an equestrian event consisting of speed pattern racing and timed games for riders on horses. These events often emphasize children’s participation.

What is Tent pegging?

Tent pegging involves horse and rider racing along a 100 meter course and collecting, cutting, shooting, or accurately “stabbing” a series of pegs, lemons, rings, or mannequins along the way.

What is Hunter event?

Hunter courses typically consist of eight to 10 jumps that are more organic in form and generally lower in height than fences used in jumper classes.

What is Hack event?

Hack event is the act of pleasure riding for light exercise.

Polo a game of Royals in Patiala since 1889

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