Stop collecting money to file Income Tax returns; director education to DEO’s


Stop collecting money to file Income Tax returns; director education to DEO’s

KI Singh/ Chandigarh

In a communication sent by Director Education (senior Secondary) Punjab to all the District Education Officers (senior Secondary) in Punjab to stop taking charges from education department officials.

As per letter issued vide memo number 13/ 264-2019 DA (4)/ 398923 dated 25-11-2019 with heading “Regarding filling of Income Tax” to all the DEO’s (Senior Secondary) mentioned that the department of education came to know that in regional offices, schools DDO’s, clerks, junior assistant collect money from the entire staff and file the income tax returns from private persons, advocates, which is a wrong precedent .

Stop collecting money to file Income Tax returns; director education to DEO’s

“To file the income tax, the responsibility lies with the concerned Drawing and disbursing officer (DDO) and clerk so stop collecting money to file Income Tax returns; director education to DEO’s”

The letter further cautioned the concerned officials to not to take, collect money from any of the education department official, teacher from now onward if anybody found not adhering the official orders or disobeying , then strict departmental action will be taken against the concerned clerk/ junior assistant, DDO’s .

The letter were sent to all the district education officers (senior secondary) in Punjab for immediate action.