Stubble burning: DC suspends arms licenses of a farmer


Stubble burning: DC suspends arms licenses of a farmer

Kanwar Inder Singh/ News/ October 27,2023

Patiala deputy commissioner Sakshi Swahney today suspended an arms license of Harwinder Singh, resident of village Talwandi Malik, Tehsil Samana district Patiala for disobeying district administration orders and burns the paddy stubble.

Swahney added that persons who will burn paddy stubble “may be deprived of government facilities and will also face legal action.”

To dissuade farmers from stubble burning, the Patiala administration has announced to cancel, suspend the arms’ licence of those caught engaging in the menace.

Stubble burning: DC suspends arms licenses of a farmer

She said that the district administration has a sufficient number of machinery . That machinery is available for stubble management in the Patiala district. The information on this machinery is being uploaded on the Chatboot number. Farmers should take full advantage of this machinery.