Students of The Millennium School Patiala proved their mettle by performing remarkably well in class 10,12 exams


Students of The Millennium School Patiala proved their mettle by performing remarkably well in class 10,12 exams

Bureau/ News/ May 13,2024

It is a magnificent day for The Millennium School Patiala as CBSE class 10,12 result 2024 has been declared by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) today.

Students proved their mettle by performing remarkably well and The Principal, Vineeta Rajput appreciated the persistent efforts and perseverance exuded by the teachers, parents and the students. She asserted that we need to put in serious amount of efforts and hardwork to achieve our targets and goals.

Unshakeable tenacity and strong will leads to a spectacular success. She felicitated the students and wished them a good luck in their future endeavors besides stressing upon the need to stay positive and buoyant throughout their academic pursuits.

Class XII achieved a hundred percent result, highest being 97 percent scored by Gaurish Bansal and Anaisha Jindal (Commerce).

Second position has been bagged by Eknoor Singh Bedi (Non Medical) with 96 percent marks.

Third position has been secured by Aditi (Arts) with 95 percent marks.

Students of The Millennium School Patiala proved their mettle by performing remarkably well in class 10,12 exams

Students of The Millennium School Patiala proved their mettle by performing remarkably well in class 10,12 exams. Students of class 10 also performed exceedingly well. The Principal, Vineeta Rajput asserted that we need to put in adequate amount of efforts and hardwork to accomplish our targets and goals. Steadfast efforts and strong will leads to a crowning success. She felicitated the students and wished them a good luck in their future endeavors besides impressing upon the need to stay positive throughout their academic pursuits.

Class X achieved a hundred percent result, highest being 98.2% scored by Japji Kaur Second position with 98% marks achieved by Krittika Garg and Siya Singh with 95.6% marks achieved third position.

Congratulations to all the achievers and we wish them a blinding success in their future ventures.