Home Education Successful Conclusion of Life Skill (Jeevan Kaushal 2.0)Programs at Govt Bikram College of Commerce

Successful Conclusion of Life Skill (Jeevan Kaushal 2.0)Programs at Govt Bikram College of Commerce

Successful Conclusion of Life Skill (Jeevan Kaushal 2.0)Programs at Govt Bikram College of Commerce
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Successful Conclusion of Life Skill (Jeevan Kaushal 2.0)Programs at Govt Bikram College of Commerce

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in News/ January 30,2024

The Life Skill Programs (Jeevan Kaushal 2.0)at Govt Bikram College of Commerce,Patiala  concluded on January 29, 2024, under the guidance of college principal Prof.(Dr) Kusum Lata marking a significant milestone in empowering individuals with essential life skills.

These programs were initiated under the scheme of vocationalisation and skill enhancement according to the instructions issued by Directorate of Higher Education,Government of Punjab.The programs encompassed a diverse range of courses, including communication skills, professional skills, management skills, and human values. Participants demonstrated commendable dedication, resulting in the successful completion of each course, with a credit score of 2.0 assigned to signify their achievements.

The collaborative efforts of the faculty, administration, and participants have contributed to the overall success of the programs.Participants not only gained valuable knowledge but also developed a holistic understanding.The successful completion of these courses will undoubtedly empower them in various aspects of life and career.

The duration of each course was tailored to provide in-depth insights and hands-on experiences. The courses have left a lasting impact on the participants, equipping them with the skills needed to navigate the challenges of today’s competitive world.

Successful Conclusion of Life Skill (Jeevan Kaushal 2.0)Programs at Govt Bikram College of Commerce

The successful conclusion of the Jeevan Kaushal programs reflects the dedication put up by Gazal Aggarwal, Nancy Sharma and Shashi Bala. About 200 certificates and diaries were distributed to the students who completed this course.