Surprise visit by VC Punjabi Uni at Examination department


Surprise visit by VC Punjabi Uni at Examination department

Patiala-Punjabi University Vice Chancellor Prof BS Ghuman today paid a surprise visit at examination, University College of Engineering, School of Management and Hotel Management departments. Ghuman spent around two hours on this surprise visit.

At examination department he interacted with the staff of the department. He keenly listens to the feedback given the staff and assures the timely action to solve the problems.

Vice Chancellor Prof BS Ghuman also discussed the problem with the Controller examination Dr Gurdeep Singh, Additional Controller Dr Kanwaljit Singh, Dr Parmod Aggarwal Administrative Officer Dr Prabhleen Singh. He gained the knowledge of the working of examination branch, how they check the papers, how they prepare the award lists, how they upload the lists on website. He discussed the delay the declaring the results with examination department officials.

“Due to delay in the declaration of results, we are facing problems; we are unable to take admission in next classes” said students while interacting with vice chancellor on his visit to examination department. He also directed the officials to install chairs, fans inside the hall in examination block and allow the students to wait at the hall instead of standing outside the examination block.