‘Tarannum-2021’-Annual cultural, literary, technical festival concluded on colourful note at MRSPTU


‘Tarannum-2021’-Annual cultural, literary, technical festival concluded on colourful note at MRSPTU

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in

The annual mega Cultural–Literary-Technical Festival ‘TARANNUM-2021’ (Jashan-E-Azadi) concluded on colourful note at the jam packed auditorium of Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University (MRSPTU), Bathinda Campus late last night.

MRSPTU, Vice Chancellor, Prof. Buta Singh Sidhu inaugurated the festival in the morning, while Principal Secretary Technical Education and Industrial Training Punjab, Ramesh Kumar Ganta IAS was chief guest at the closing ceremony.

Addressing the students,  Ganta said Co-curricular and sporting activities enhance the overall personality development of students and bring a positive impact on academic performance of students. While highlighting the contribution of such techno-cultural events towards the shaping of young minds and their personality, spirit of team work as well as competition among the students, he said co-curricular activities compliment academic level of students.

Motivating the students to participate in co-curricular activities for their overall development, he said “Team work is very important to excel as professional in the field. Your talents shouldn’t be only for the livelihood, but it also has something to contribute into the society. It is this stage in your student life which will end the fear to face any stage in you professional and personal life,” he added.

He also focused on the relationship between Faculty and students, innovative ways for teaching, elf learning and importance of participation. ‘All of you, who have participated in the competition are winners here. None of you are losers. One who participated in any sense can’t be losers,” he added.

Remembering his own college days, Ganta talked about the importance of memories made during such cultural festivals. He further said that the students must keep in mind hard work and blessings of their parents, while deciding their priorities during student life and opportunities to achieve something in life to make them proud of you, then it would help you to remain in focus during your course and avoid the distractions.

While stressing on how the eco- system of learning can be enhanced in the university campus, he said that the ecosystem of learning depends upon how seniors, juniors and faculty respond to each other.

‘Tarannum-2021’-Annual cultural, literary, technical festival concluded on colourful note at MRSPTU

Prof. Buta Singh Sidhu congratulated the students, participants, winners of various events and the organizers for the successful conduct of Tarrunam-2021, the grand Techno-Cultural fest. He also listed the achievements of the university in a short span.

The fest consisted of various technical events, creative competitions and talent oriented cultural performances. Students celebrated the spirit of life by performing in various cultural, technical and literary events in various dimensions of performing arts. Skits, Song, Dances, Rap, Band Performance, power-packed Gidha and Bhangra were the main attractions of the event.

Star attractions, world famous Sufi singers Birender Dhillon and Shamser Lehri and popular Film actor and Director Gurmeet Sajjan added color to the event with their popular performances and got huge applause from the audience. Suffi singers regaled the audience with popular songs, Ardas, Gangajal, Change Din Phir ton lia de Baba Nanka, Tutt Jani Tunkadi Taar, Baba Nanak Bhali Karuga and Dilan De Virus etc. While Gurmeet Sajjan shared his popular dialogues and performed comedy to entertain the students.

University Registrar, Dr. Gurinder Pal Singh Brar, Campus Director, Dr. Savina Bansal, senior faculty, Deans, Directors and staff attended the function.

Programme Chief Coordinator, Dr. Neerja Gill and Co- Coordinator, Satnam Singh, Student President Vaibhav Vibhav Singh and Jasmeen Kaur led teams worked very hard to make the programme a grand success. Assistant Professors, Dr. Sunita Kotwala and Miss Navdeep Kheev managed the stage very well. In the end all dignitaries distributed the prizes to winners.

Following were the detailed results of different events:

Technical Event

Debugging: – Position Karanveer Singh(CSE) secured first position, while Diya Bansal(CSE) got second position.

Technical Rangoli:– Ritika (Pharmacy) and Shivam (Pharmacy) team got 1st position, while Jimmy Singla (ECE) and Seema Singla (CSE) team got 2nd position.

Blind Coding:– Divya Bansal (CSE) got 1st position and Karanveer Singh (CSE) got 2nd position.

Technical Quiz: Nitti Kumar (CSE) got 1st position and Shekhar (B.pharma) secured second position.

Poster Making: – Parampreet Singh (B. Pharmacy) won first prize, while Shivam Bhaduria (B. Pharmacy) got 2nd prize.

Model Displaying: – Tareenpreet Singh (ECE) and Wakeel Khan (ME) team got 1st position and Saleem Khan (B.tech EE) and Yadwinder Singh (B.tech EE) team got 2st position.

Technical Debate: – Shivam Kumar (CSE) got 1st position and Gopal Kumar(CSE) got 2nd position.

Hobby Club

Tatto Art: – Khushdeep Kaur (CSE)got 1st position and Shamsher Singh (B.Arch) got 2nd position

Calligraphy: – Khushmat Kaur (CSE) got 1st position.

Face Painting: – Jashanpreet Kaur (B. pharma) and Navdeep Kaur (B.pharma) team got 1st position and Anmol Sidhu (B. pharma) and Sushan (B. pharma) team got 2nd position.

Heena Kaari:- Ritika (B Pharm) got first prize, while Radha Rani (BCA) bagged the second prize.

Clay Moulding:– Kashmir Singh(UBS) got first prize, while Mukesh Kumar ( B.Arch) got second prize.

Wall Hanging (Best out of waste): – Ritika (B. Pharma) got first prize.

Origami:- Biswajit Mondal (B.Arch) got first prize, Sahil got 2nd position and Anup Garg got 3rd position.

Caricature:- Shamsher Singh (B.Arch) got first prize and Manpreet Kaur (Food science & Technology) got 2nd position.

Magazine Art:- Monika (B.Arch) got first prize and Anmol (B.pharma) got 2nd prize.

Charcoal :- Charlina J Dutta (B.Arch) got first prize and parampreet singh (B.pharma) got 2nd prize.

Literary Event:  

Speech:– Sakshar Thakur (Civil) got 1st position and Shivam (CSE) got 2nd position

Press Conference: – Ani aAggarwal (Civil) got 1st position and Harsh Kumar Varshney got 2nd position.

Movie Mania:– Ajmal (Pharmacy) got first prize, while Ritesh (BSc. Agriculture) the second prize.

Extempore Judgement: – Shivam Bhaduria (CSE) got first prize, while Harsh Kumar (CSE) the second prize.

Debate Competition: – Krishan Kant Yadav (B.Sc. Food), Ani Aggarwal (B.Tech CE), Shivam Kumar (B.Tech CSE) and Harsh Kumar Team got first prize, Harshinder Kaur(B.Sc. FST), Rajdeep Singh (B.Tech CE), Abhijeet (B.pharma) and Naveen Tiwari(B.Tech CE) got the second prize and Karan(B.pharma), Vansh (B.pharma) Shivam Bhadauria (B.pharma) and Vansh tej Singh (B.Arch) team got 3rd prize.

Poetry Recitation: – Ajmal Mohiuddin got first prize, while Khushi (B.Hons. Mathematics) the second prize.

Cultural Events

Classical Vocal Music: – Disha (Mech.) got 1st position, Piyush Batsha (M.pharma) got 2nd position and Keshav (B.pharma 2021) got 3rd prize.

Group Song(Music):– Autal (Civil) and arun (Civil) got 1st position, Ayush, Shubham, Ratul, Manav team got 2nd position and Shubra, Vanshika, Somdatta, Khushboo, Amit Abhishek and Shushma got 3rd position.

Solo Dance(Girls):– Simran (FST) got 1st prize, Himanshi (M.Sc. Physics) got 2nd prize and Divisha (CSE) got 3rd prize

Duet Dance (Dance):– Lovely (Archi) and Jashan (Archi) team got first prize, and Simran (FST) and rubal(FST) team got 2nd prize and Sandhya(FST) and kalpana(FST) got 3rd prize.

Light India Vocal (Music):- Shomdata (Archi) got 1st prize, Garima Karn got 2nd prize and Nimratveer (B.pharma) got 3rd prize.

Folk Song Solo(Music):- Harpreet (Agriculture) got 1st position, Avtar (Civil) got 2nd position and Hitesh (Textile) got 3rd prize.

Solo Dance (boys):– Manpreet (B.pharma) got 1st prize, Taranpreet (Civil) got 2nd prize and Dilip got 3rd prize.

Instrumental (Music):– Ratul (Mechanical) got first prize and Vashwant (CSE) got 2nd prize.

October 23,2021