Technology proves boon for Patiala police bane for criminals; two PO’s arrested


Technology proves boon for Patiala police bane for criminals; two PO’s arrested

Gurjit Singh/ Patiala

SSP Patiala Mandeep Singh Sidhu informed that, on May 30,2020 Sarub Sabarwal Incharge Focal Point, Police Station  City Rajpura in the district laid a check post (naka) at Gagan Chowk Rajpura where two person were stopped for not wearing mask.

Upon being stopped they panicked & wanted to move away quickly & could not give any satisfactory answers. He clicked their photographs and checked in PAIS App ( PIAS App is designed to be used by Punjab Police officers to search & recognize the persons with criminal records) from where it got divulged that both of them had criminal record.

Technology proves boon for Patiala police bane for criminals; two PO’s arrested

Technology proves boon for Patiala police bane for criminals; two PO’s arrested.Upon further enquiry they revealed that they were POs (Proclaim Offenders) & are wanted in cases. They are Shiva R/O Roshan Colony Rajpura, accused in FIR No 15 dt 18-2-2018 u/s 20 NDPS Act PS Lahori Gate Patiala and Vishal R/O Roshan Colony Rajpura, accused in FIR No 121 dt 27.6.2018 u/s 20 NDPS act PS Sadar Patiala.

Punjab Police was awarded for PAIS App

Punjab state police was awarded by the FICCI Smart Policing Awards 2018, at the annual conference on homeland security for its smart policing technology” PAIS”. The Punjab police had won the award under the category of Crime Prohibition, owing to a host of trailblazing and farsighted measures undertaken by the police department to ramp-up the policing initiatives in the state
