Thapar Institute accredited with A+ Grade by NAAC for five years


Thapar Institute accredited with A+ Grade by NAAC for five years

Jasbir Kapoor/ Patiala

Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology (TIET), Patiala, has been accredited with “A+ grade” for a period of 5 years effective March 4, 2019.

A 5- member NAAC peer team visited TIET from February 28 to March 2, 2019 for assessment and accreditation of the Institute on defined NAAC criteria applicable for Universities.

Thapar Institute accredited with A+ Grade by NAAC for five years

Speaking on this, Director, Prof Prakash Gopalan said, “A bright future awaits Thapar graduates as the University has embarked on a program to modernize itself in all aspects. We believe in outcome based, experiential, self-directed, research led and project driven curriculum coupled with high research expectations from the faculty which will catapult us to a higher standing in times to come”.

Thapar Institute accredited with A+ Grade by NAAC for five years

About NAAC

The NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND ACCREDITATION COUNCIL (NAAC) conducts assessment and accreditation of Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) such as colleges, universities or other recognised institutions to derive an understanding of the ‘Quality Status’ of the institution. NAAC evaluates the institutions for its conformance to the standards of quality in terms of its performance related to the educational processes and outcomes, curriculum coverage, teaching-learning processes, faculty, research, infrastructure, learning resources, organisation, governance, financial well being and student services