Thapar University BE CSE student Aveksha presented her research work in USA


Thapar University

Thapar University student Ms. Aveksha Kapoor of B.E. C.S.E  2017 Batch had successfully presented her research work on state-of-the-art domain related to web crawling at an international conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing (CIC) in Pittsburgh, USA. Student is thankful to the mentor Mr. Vinay Arora (Assistant Professor, CSED, TU) for his fruitful guidelines. The prompt support from Dr. Prakash Gopalan (Director, TU), Dr. RajenderKaler (Deputy Director, TU) and Dr. Maninder Singh (HOD, CSED, TU) proved worthy for Ms. Kapoor, who was the solo representative from India and only undergrad among the participants primarily from the Carneige Mellon University, the Washington University and many other around the world.