To meet rising power demand PSPCL makes 43% more power available to date in April:Power Minister


To meet rising power demand PSPCL makes 43% more power available to date in April:Power Minister

Kanwar Inder Singh/

Minister of public works and power Harbhajan Singh in a press release stated that  Punjab state power corporation limited has made 16,085 LUs power available from April 1st, 2022 to April 9th, 2022 which is 43% more in comparison to 11,206 LUs power available during last year’s corresponding period. During April 2022, 8758 MW maximum power was made available in comparison to 6308 MW maximum power available in April 2021. PSPCL has, during this period, supplied 32 % more power within the state  in addition to 4 times power supplied for Banking outside the state. PSPCL has supplied maximum banking power of 1044 MW in April 2022 which is 791 MW more over the 253 MW of corresponding period last year. During the ongoing summer season power demand surge observed in March 2022 continues unabated in April 2022  due to scorching temperature and intense heat waves in the state. To meet this extraordinary demand during night due to shifting of AP load to avoid fires during day in view of the harvesting season, up to 09-04-2022 PSPCL has purchased 655 LUs Power from power exchange in comparison to 186 LUs purchased in 2021. This year PSPCL has catered peak demand of 7714 MW on 08-04-2022 which is 1659 MW more in comparison to peak demand of 6055 MW recorded on 09-04-2021.

To meet rising power demand PSPCL makes 43% more power available to date in April:Power Minister
Harbhajan Singh

The Power Minister reiterated Government’s commitment to provide 8 hours regular supply to agriculture pump sets, and uninterrupted and quality power supply to all categories of consumers including Industry in the state in the upcoming paddy season. He informed that peak demand in the coming paddy season is expected to be around 15,000/15,500 MW. PSPCL is focusing on maximum banking with other states, starting from November 2021 power is being supplied for banking  and is being continued right up to April so that the  2300 MW power can be received back during the upcoming paddy season.  He also said that during  meetings with the Union Power Minister and Coal Minister, GOI has categorically assured regarding supply of additional 20 lakh ton Coal to state thermals and additional 30 lakh ton coal to state IPPs and allocation of additional Power to Punjab. PSPCL’s own Pachhwara coal mine at Jharkhand  was not  operational  since 2015,  all out concerted efforts are  being made to make it operational. To restart mine, first physical activity of  Dewatering of mine is being done  since last week and mining will start by End June-2022. This will further ensure the availability of sufficient coal for Paddy season.

April 10,2022