Tonnes of over ripened fruits destroyed in Barnala


Tonnes of over ripened fruits destroyed in Barnala

Barnala- Tonnes of over ripened fruits including as many as 15 quintals of grapes, 20 boxes of apple, 50 boxes cherry, 50 kg Nash and 4 boxes of bananas were seized from various cold stores in Barnala city and destroyed under the on going Punjab Govt. initiative Tandarust Punjab’ Mission.

A team led by Civil Surgeon Barnala Dr. Jugal Kishore conducted raids on four cold stores under ‘Tandarust Punjab’ Mission. District Health Officer Dr. Raj Kumar, Food Safety Officer Gaurav Garg and Mandi Supervisor Gurmel Singh were the main members of the inspecting team. The seized fruits were disposed at the Municipal Council Barnala’s pit to avoid further consumption by humans and animals as well.

Tonnes of over ripened fruits destroyed in Barnala

Civil Surgeon Dr. Jugal Kishore said that the raids were conducted under Tandarust Punjab Mission to ensure availability of safe, secure and healthy food items for district residents by a team of officials of health department and Market Committee Barnala. He added that also under the Food Safety Act 2006 and Regulations 2011, the sale of fruits artificially ripened using acetylene gas, commonly known as carbide gas, is prohibited.