Transformation-DMW to manufacture Diesel Electric Tower Cars-Vivek Kumar
KS Diwan/ Patiala
64th Railway Week Function was celebrated in the DMW Auditorium of Diesel loco Modernisation Works, a Production Unit of Indian Railways. Vivek Kumar, Chief Administrative Officer of DMW was the Chief Guest.
This year’s function assumes special significance in view of path breaking performance of DMW in producing Electric Locomotives and Tower Cars for the first time. DMW manufactured 58 WAP7 ( (Wide/broad Gauge AC Electric Passenger, Class 7, is a three-phase AC electric passenger locomotive) Electric Locomotives, 02 Nos. DETC ( Diesel Electric Tower Car), 01 Multi Gen Set Engine, 02 Nos. WDG 3A Locos . 01 NRC( Non Railway Customer) Loco and rebuilt 45 Locomotives upto March 2019. A total production of Rs. 1918 Crores has been achieved during financial year 2018-19. DMW also generated electricity of 25 Lakh units through 2 MW Solar Plant installed in DMW.

Vivek Kumar also announced that DMW is going to manufacture 100 WAP7 Electric Locomotives and 80 DETC ( Diesel Electric Tower Car) in the current financial year.
Vivek Kumar congratulated the officers and staff of DMW for their excellent performance . He appreciated their unrelenting efforts and remarkable devotion to duty in giving the highest ever production. In recognition of exceptional performance, 71 Individual and 39 Group Awards were presented .
He exhorted all officers and staff to work with enhanced zeal and enthusiasm and keep up the momentum of excellent performance. The function was attended by a large number of DMW Officers, employees and their families. A cultural programme was also organized on the occasion.