Two days workshop on Film at Punjabi University


Two days workshop on Film at Punjabi University

Gurjit Singh/ Patiala

Sobha Singh Department of Fine Arts in collaboration with Department of Theatre & Television is organizing a two-day workshop in the Punjabi University campus. The workshop will be conducted by former professor of Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh Prof. Madihur Rahman Shaib. The inaugural function of this workshop was presided over by Prof. Dr. Gurdeep Singh Batra, Dean Academics Affairs. On this occasion Proceedings of 28th annual conference of IAHC were also released by Dr. Batra and Dr. Yashpal Sharma, Dean, Arts & Culture Faculty.

While delivering presidential remarks, Prof. Gurdeep Singh Batra said that research in this academic field today cannot be limited to class room teaching methods only as online method like Mooc courses too have been helping a great deal.

Two days workshop on Film at Punjabi University

Prof. Madihur deliberated upon various historical and visual aspects of Indian Cinema. He said that Cinema is a medium of all kind of perspectives and feasibilities but we need deep studies to explore them. Since Cinema is a commercial field, it has many limitations. Most of the time Cinema fails to fulfill its social responsibilities. Prof. Madihur will be here till February 13, 2020.

On this occasion an exhibition by Sarbjit Singh, research scholar of the Department, was also inaugurated. This exhibition will remain till February 28, 2020.

Dr. Ambalica Sood Jacob, Head, Fine Arts Dept. welcomed the guests and a formal vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Jaspal Kaur Deol, Head, Theatre & Television.

February, 11,2020