Union govt asks states to observe ‘National Road Safety Month’ ; list of activities released for spreading awareness


Union govt asks states to observe ‘National Road Safety Month’ ; list of activities released for spreading awareness

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in News/ January 10,2024

Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Road Safety Cell has asked the all the state/ union territories transport commissioners and stakeholders to observe National Road Safety Month from 15th January,2024 to 14th February,2024.

As per Mahmood Ahmed, additional secretary ministry of road transport ,”every year, India witnesses around 4,50,000 road accidents and around 150,000 road fatalities, with more than 50% of road fatalities that are of young population. This not only leads to human suffering, but also impacts the economy adversely. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, National Road Safety Week has been observed in the country for the past 35 years, engaging various stakeholders including the State authorities to create awareness about road safety. This annual observance seeks to prioritize and promote road safety through various initiatives and increased awareness. However, given the gravity of situation Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRT&H) has decided to observe National Road Safety Month from now onwards. This year the month will be observed from 15th ]anuary, 2024 to 14th February, 2024.”

He added that “since more than 50 percent of road fatalities occur among young population (till35 years of age), the focus this year would be on creating awareness amongst youth, with electronic road safety education modules on MY Bharat Portal, online quizzes, online certifications etc. A suggestive tentative month long activities by different stakeholders has also been released for necessary consideration”.

Union govt asks states to observe ‘National Road Safety Month’ ; list of activities released for spreading awareness. Some of the activities suggested are to conduct special enforcement drives for helmet/ headgear compliance by two wheeler riders, identify and train volunteers for road safety awareness, volunteers to conduct awareness campaigns targeting schools, colleges, marketplaces, and public spaces. Encourage students and youth to participate in Road Safety Quizze-s/ Competition on MY Bharat portal for getting recognition and certificates etc

Union govt asks states to observe ‘National Road Safety Month’ ; list of activities released for spreading awareness Union govt asks states to observe ‘National Road Safety Month’ ; list of activities released for spreading awareness Union govt asks states to observe ‘National Road Safety Month’ ; list of activities released for spreading awareness

Union govt asks states to observe ‘National Road Safety Month’ ; list of activities released for spreading awareness Union govt asks states to observe ‘National Road Safety Month’ ; list of activities released for spreading awareness