Home Punjab United Forum of Bank Unions demanded wage increase

United Forum of Bank Unions demanded wage increase

United Forum of Bank Unions demanded wage increase
2 day strike call given by bank employees under UFBU
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United Forum of Bank Unions demanded wage increase

Patiala-Consequent upon failure of talks between Indian Banks Association (IBA) and United Forum of Bank Unions (UFBU) held on 5th May, 2018 a call from UFBU has been given for one day country wide demonstrations on 08/05/2018 and or 09/05/2018 in which more than 10 lacs Bank officers and Employees are observed protest against the adamant attitude of Indian Banks Association (IBA) and the Central Government on pending Wage Revision of Bank Officers/Employees. Pertinently, the UFBU has submitted its Charter of Demands for Wage Revision in May, 2017 to the IBA. The Wage increase of Bankmen is due since 01.11.2017. Although, the Govt. of India has sent several reminders to the IBA since 12.1.2016, to commence the Wage negotiations and conclude the same, but no concrete response is given till date.

As a part of its agitation program,as many as 700 bank Officers and Employees under the banner of UFBU gathered outside SBI, Administrative Office building, sheranwala gate to protest against the ill motives of IBA and the Central Government. They were demanding early and adequate wage increase.

On the occasion, Com Rajiv Sirhindi, Convener, UFBU, Patiala and Dy General Secretary of SBI Officers Association criticized the attitude of IBA and the Central Government for their lackluster attitude towards the genuine demands of the Bank Officers/Employees.  He said that it is only due to the efforts of Bankmen that since its inception, the Modi Government has been able to implement so many schemes in the country. He said that even the gigantic task of demonetization was implemented by the Bank officers and employees by working day and night on war scale basis, but now the Government is not serious on the pending wage increase of Bank Employees. He told that, the UFBU will decide the future course of action which includes two days of continuous strike during May, 2018.

United Forum of Bank Unions demanded wage increase

Com Sushil Gautam, Jt. General Secretary, AIBEA also addressed the gathering and told that in the last meeting on wage increase held between UFBU and IBA on 5th of May, 2018, a meager offer of 2% wage increase has been given which was rejected by UFBU by walking out of the said meeting. He said that all the agitation programs will be successfully implemented including strike action. Leaders from different Banks Organizations present on the occasion includes Com Harinder Gupta, President SBI Officers Association, Com Jagjit Singh from Punjab National Bank who is also president of AIBOC Punjab,  Com Harshvinder Singh from Bank of India,   Com Vinod Sharma from Oriental Bank of Commerce who is also Jt. Secretary of AIBOA,    Com Parminder Singh from Canara Bank, Com Praduman Singh from Allahabad Bank, Com Gurmeet Kaur Kalra, Com Sanjeev Sharma and Com Arvind Kumar from NCBE & SBI Staff Association, Com Yadvider Gupta, Com Sanmeet Sing, Com Lovleen Saini & Com. Balbir Sharma from Punjab Bank Employees Federation, Com Jasbir Singh Secretary AIBOC, Patiala, Com Harbagh Singh, Com Gurmukh Singh Asstt Treasurer AIBOC Punjab,  Com Manish Kumar, Com Abhinav Goyal, Com Devinder Singh, Com Rakesh Vermi, Com Balvinder Sidhu, Com Amanjot Singh, Com Dinesh Gupta, Com Yadvinder Singla and  Com Amriptal Singh,