Use online methodology to conduct classes of students; Channi to MRSPTU & IKGPTU
Kanwar Inder Singh/ Chandigarh
The Technical Education and Industrial Training, Minister, Charanjit Singh Channi, has given directions to both the Technical Education Universities of Punjab to take steps and ensure that study of the students does not suffer during lockdown. Channi has also appealed to the entire faculty to come forward during this time of distress for the help of students.

In a press statement issued here today, Principal secretary, Technical Education & Industrial Training, Anurag Verma, IAS said that IKG PTU and MRS PTU and their constituent/ affiliated colleges have been told to conduct classes using online methodology using various techniques available like youtube, zoom, Skype ,google classroom, whattsapp groups etc, so that the students do not suffer because of the present scenario. Mr Verma said that both the Universities have been advised to use MOOCS(Massive online open courses) using SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active learning for Young Aspiring Minds)platform developed by UGC/AICTE sharing online content of study. Verma said that Vice Chancellors of both the Universities have been asked provide all necessary support for guidance to the faculty as well as students to switch over to online teaching .

Dr. Ajay Sharma Vice Chancellor IKGPTU & Dr MPS Ishar VC MRSPTU, said that their universities and constituent/ affiliated colleges are conducting live video streaming of classes to run academic programmes smoothly for its students. They said that the faculty members have also been asked to work from home and stream their video lectures to students wherever they are. The students can put their questions live through chat and same can be immediately answered by a teacher. This is done to ensure that the semester of the students is saved, in the unlikely case of a prolonged crisis. The Vice Chancellors of both the universities further explained that the faculty has been instructed to keep a record of attendance of students participating through online methodology and share assignments/ quizzes etc. also for evaluation purposes.