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VC seeks cooperation to develop the MRSPTU as an Institution of Excellence

VC seeks cooperation to develop the MRSPTU as an Institution of Excellence
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VC seeks cooperation to develop the MRSPTU as an Institution of Excellence

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in/ Chandigarh

Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University (MRSPTU), Bathinda  Vice Chancellor, renowned academician and researcher Prof. Buta Singh Sidhu sought the cooperation of faculty, teaching and  non teaching staff  to develop the MRSPTU as an Institution of Excellence with focus on academics and research.

Prof. Sidhu (who recently joined as MRSPTU Vice Chancellor) held marathon meetings with faculty, teaching and non teaching staff separately at university auditorium today. He asked the faculty for launching coordinated effort for brand building campaign for the Institution and success through academic excellence, advancement of technical education, Pioneering Research and Innovation Driven Development.

While speaking on the occasion, Prof. Buta Singh Sidhu said MRSPTU named after great Sikh Emperor, Maharaja Ranjit Singh (who contributed a lot for complete literacy in his kingdom) should also be a great institution.

“We should do our best in our mission of making MRSPTU a place of learning and enviable recognition. It is our duty and responsibility to keep MRSPTU on the path of becoming a globally renowned university for which cooperation and support of everyone is essential,” he said.  He promised that he would leave no stone unturned to ensure its all-round growth during his three-year tenure.

VC seeks cooperation to develop the MRSPTU as an Institution of Excellence

It may be mentioned here that the Punjab Government had already announced to develop MRSPTU as Model University in the state.MRSPTU is the fastest growing university of the state, which will prove boon for the state especially Malwa.

Sharing his vision and detailed roadmap through Power Point Presentation (PPT) during meetings, Prof. Sidhu deliberated on the up-gradation of technical education, financial sustainability of the Institution, admission campaign and strategy, promoting research and development activities, establishing a strong mechanism to bring best talent to produce technically skilled manpower with an integrated and technology oriented education to serve the needs of the industry and society and making the Training and Placement Cell dynamic and impressive.

He, however, pointed out that the VC alone can’t do everything. “I believe in team work and collective leadership and seek the cooperation of teachers, employees, students and guardians in creating a healthy academic environment. All the genuine grievances of teachers and non-teaching staff will be redressed at the earliest,” the VC told them. He also promised to expedite complete automation of office working and prompting works online.

On the administrative font, Prof. Sidhu further said he would initiate necessary steps for creating a sound infrastructure and conducive atmosphere in the university. “We will be committed to freedom of speech and expression. While difference of opinion and dissent is not discouraged, the university certainly does not allow anyone to create obstacles in the work of sincere and hard working staff,”.

He urged non teaching staff to work with deep commitment, dedication, honesty and sincerity for taking the university to new heights. However, he warned that if anyone found creating hurdles in smooth work, he /she will be dealt sternly.

With modern infrastructure, vibrant campus and Centres of Excellence, the MRSPTU has significant achievements in various academic programmes, and already has a well-established effective Placement Mechanism, Administrative and Research Initiatives, Examination Reforms and entrepreneurship activities.

November 9,2020