What kind of hope can be there from such experts, who support govt?-Ugrahan


What kind of hope can be there from such experts, who support govt?-Ugrahan

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in

In its initial reaction to today’s decision of the Supreme Court Joginder Singh Ugrahan, President, BKU(EKTA-UGRAHAN) said that all the struggling peasant organisations had already expressed their disagreement to the constitution of any committee. Despite this disagreement, the committee which Supreme Court has constituted includes only those experts who support the government’s viewpoint, are committed to the anti -peasant laws as legitimate and are also apologetics of the supremacy of the corporates in the agricultural sector.

Two of these experts have written letters of gratitude to the Prime Minister for enacting these laws. What kind of hope can be there from such experts that they will even communicate the viewpoint of the peasants regarding the demands of the peasant’s struggle. Why would the same paper organizations be not presented before this committee which the government presented before the Supreme Court? In this way, this entire exercise of the committee formation would prove to be a conduit for the aims of the government. The government is already following a path of tiring the farmers out and the committee would only be an instrument of this policy.

What kind of hope can be there from such experts, who support govt?-Ugrahan

To be part of this exercise would eventually prove to be a futile exercise. The suspension of these laws for two months also does not carry any significance. The leaders welcomed that part of the directive of the Supreme Court where it has accepted the right of the peasants to struggle and called the suspension of the laws as a victory of their struggle. They characterised it as the ethical victory of the peasant struggle. This ethical victory was registered earlier when the government was compelled to come to the negotiation table. But the journey leading to the repealing of these laws is a lengthy one, and for reaching this pinnacle of victory the need is to further raise the banner of struggle. They called upon the people to steel their determination on the path of this protracted struggle, and for it to further expand their mobilisation.

January 12,2021