When the accumulated PM CARES FUND would be utilized-Mohindru


When the accumulated PM CARES FUND would be utilized-Mohindru

Dr Pankaj Mohindru

There is a hoard between the Union government and the state governments to generate utmost revenue to fill the gaping hole in their exchequer due to ongoing pandemic by enhancing excise duty on auto fuel and liquor.

It is pertinent that the global crude oil prices are all time low in the world market. However, Central and state governments are further increasing the excise duty rather than passing the benefit to the consumers. Our neighboring country, Pakistan with pitiable economy and inadequate resources has significantly reduced the prices of petrol by Rs 30 and diesel by Rs 42 to control the inflation. It is debatable that why our governments are not looking for some other viable alternate to enlarge their revenues at this unprecedented time of Covid19.

The freezing of DA of government employees is another step of Modi government resented by various sections of employees’ especially old pensioners in the country. RBI has further made the mockery of the financial system of the country by waiving off loan of amount Rs 68,000 crore in which absconding Mehul Choksi and Jatin Mehta were among the top defaulters.

When the accumulated PM CARES FUND would be utilized-Mohindru-Photo courtesy-Internet

PM CARES Fund was created on 28 March 2020, amid COVID-19 pandemic in India. This fund is raised for combating, containment and relief efforts against the coronavirus outbreak. It is appealed to the Prime Minister who is the chairman of the trust to utilize the funds without delay for the welfare of underprivileged sections of the country. When the accumulated PM CARES FUND would be utilized-Mohindru ?

The writer-Dr. Pankaj Mohindru (Columnist) is a Professor in Punjabi University, Patiala and is an expert in the field of Human Resource Management and Artificial Intelligence and is guiding research in this field.

(The views expressed are personal)
