Women Empowerment in true sense in Punjabi University, Patiala


Women Empowerment in true sense in Punjabi University, Patiala

Dr Ritu Lehal

The higher offices of Punjabi University, Patiala are presently held by women Professors which is historic and path- breaking .The position of Dean Academic Affairs, which is the second highest position in the University, is being held by Dr Amrit pal Kaur. The Dean Faculty of Business Studies is Dr. Ritu Lehal and the head of School of Management Studies is Dr Navjot Kaur, All these positions which draw a line of hierarchy of teaching positions in university are first time occupied by three women professors.

Presently, this has been possible under the dynamic leadership of our worthy Vice Chancellor Dr. B.S Ghuman. The position of Dean, College Development Council, is held by Dr Jagroop kaur, which is another major milestone for woman. Currently, the Deans of various faculties are women, which speaks volumes of the pro-active role played by women in the administration of the University.

Dr. Anita Gill is presently Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, Dr Gurpreet kaur Dean Faculty of Medicine, Dr Gurpreet Pannu Dean, Faculty of Law and Dr Jyotsna Dean, Faculty of Computing Sciences. The present hierarchy in the University has woman Professors at top levels, which is in true sense a big step towards emancipation of women. Even some key positions which are held for the first time by women professors are, Dr Manruchi Kaur, Director HRD Centre, Dr. Happy Jeji, Director Public Relations, Dr. Ranjit Kaur, Director International Students and Dr. Monika Chawla, Incharge RTI Cell.

Women Empowerment in true sense in Punjabi University, Patiala

Besides this, many of the departments are being headed very effectively by women currently like School of Management Studies, University School of Applied Management, Journalism Department, Department of Distance Education, Education Department, Political Science Department, Social Work Department, CAMS, Botany Department, Human Biology Department, Linguistics Department, Psychology, Sports science and many others.

Educated women can make significant contribution towards sustainable development of the society and the nation. This is in consonance with the female literacy rate in Punjab, which is increasing day by day resulting in more than 65% of girls students enrolled in university every year. With greater access to higher education, women can break the glass ceiling and reach the zenith of success and glory.

During the tough time of pandemic they managed home front so efficiently and side by side equipped themselves well for taking online classes.

Dr Ritu Lehal emphasised that in a State where patriarchy was hampering their growth, especially in Malwa Region of Punjab, if they are spreading their wings, sky is the limit of their flight. Dr Amritpal added she is very hopeful that women leaders will prove themselves more effective and efficient and will certainly play a positive role in overall growth of the University.

The writer,Dr. Ritu Lehal is the Dean Faculty of Business Studies and the head of School of Management Studies, Punjabi University,Patiala.

October 14,2020