Workers and Farmers will observe 26th November as Nationwide Protest Day; extended support to bankers 28th August strike


Workers and Farmers will observe 26th November as Nationwide Protest Day; extended support to bankers 28th August strike

Kanwar Inder Singh/ News/ August 23,2024

The joint meeting of the Central Trade Unions and Samyukt Kisan Morcha expressed their anguish over the fact that the NDA government despite on weak footing due to downsizing in general elections continues pursuing the anti-worker, anti-farmer, anti people and pro-corporate agenda.

The budget of the government ignored their agenda and also betrayed the expectations of the unemployed youth. It was decided to intensify the struggles in the coming period and take the unity to grassroots. It was also resolved that the ruling party in the centre alongwith its allies would be confronted in the forthcoming assembly elections in four states and would conduct joint campaigns to keep them out of power.

The SKM assured for all out-support solidarity to the Trade Unions’ programme to observe 23rd September as Black day, the day of passing three Labour codes in September 2020 during Covid-19 pandemic period.

It was agreed that in the month of October the leadership of both the fronts will meet for extensive discussion to enhance the united struggles against the continued retrograde and reactionary policies which are in detriment to the interest of people and the nation.

The meeting condemned the forcible installing of smart meters and expressed full support to the agitations against this installation.

The meeting demanded from the government for removal of GST on premium and benefit, medical insurance and also that on agriculture.

Workers and Farmers will observe 26th November as Nationwide Protest Day; extended support to bankers 28th August strike

The meeting resolved to observe 26th November as the Nationwide mass mobilisation, with programmes in the states (the modalities to be finalised later).

The CTUs and SKM also extended support to the strike call on 28th August by United Forum of Bank Unions against the attacks on unions and the policies of privatisation of this strategic sector.

The meeting took cognizance of the growing atrocities on women, brutal rapes and killings. While condemning these gruesome acts it expressed its full support to the agitators’ demands for justice to victims. It is necessary to have preventive measures to make the society safe for fearless living. The Platform of Central Trade Unions, Sectoral Federations/Associations And Samyukta Kisan Morcha