Workshop for Community Facilitators, Motivators at Patiala


Workshop for Community Facilitators, Motivators at Patiala

Seminar and training workshop of community facilitators and motivators of Patiala region of Local Bodies Department of Punjab held at Municipal Corporation’s Dr. BR Ambedkar meeting hall today. Presiding the workshop Deputy Director Patiala region Jiwan Jot Kaur, guided the participants of Patiala, Sangrur, Barnala and SAS Nagar (Mohali) districts, about early construction of community, public toilets and individual household latrines.

Workshop for Community Facilitators, Motivators at Patiala

Project Director of PMIDC (Punjab Municipal Infrastructure Development Company) Dr. Puran Singh Yadav guided the participants to work for ODF (open defecation free) certification of ULBs (Urban Local Bodies) and corporations.