Workshop on 5-E Education conducted at Scholar Fields


Workshop on 5-E Education conducted at Scholar Fields

Gurpreet Kaur/ Patiala

Workshop on 5-E education was conducted, in Scholar Fields Public School, Patiala by resource person Rachit Lamba who had the experience of 7 years for conducting these workshops on modern education.

Workshop on 5-E Education conducted at Scholar Fields

It was conducted for 3 hours with teachers to make the teaching learning process effective for the students using modern technology. The teachers were trained with 5 elements of education as engaging the students constructively exploring more about the topic, explaining the content with concept clarity, elaborating    the things to make the students think out of the box and latest evaluation pattern to assess the students productively. Various techniques and videos were shared with teachers for the class management also guiding teachers to get back to the students wave length and use positive phrases to handle the problematic children.

Workshop on 5-E Education conducted at Scholar Fields

Overall it was an interactive workshop and more than 50 teachers of the school had participated. The Principal of the school Chandandeep Kaur motivated the teachers to participate in these productive workshop for their professional growth and overall development of the students.