Workshop on Emerging Teaching Pedagogy organized at GNDU


Workshop on Emerging Teaching Pedagogy organized at GNDU

Jasbir kapoor/ Amritsar

A 7-Day Workshop on Emerging Teaching Pedagogy was inaugurated at the UGC- Human Resource Development Centre of Guru Nanak Dev University. This Workshop is being conducted under the aegis of the Faculty Development Centre (FDC), been allocated to the Centre of the University under the Pandit  Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching Scheme by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi. As many as 46 teachers and research scholars from Punjab and other neighbouring states pertaining to a multiplicity of disciplines are participating.

Workshop on Emerging Teaching Pedagogy organized at GNDU

Prof. Hardeep Singh, Dean Academic Affairs presided over the inaugural session. Prof. Singh in his inaugural address emphasized the urgent need of making the pedagogical skills more relevant, more authentic in the light of the present fast changing scenario. He said that the students of today are flooded with the glut of information on any topic with a click of a mouse, which has made the task of the teacher more challenging.

The major challenge before the teacher of today is to convert this glut of information to the knowledge, he emphasized. Exhorting them to get their act together to confront these challenges, he said that the success of a teacher is primarily measured in terms of the success of their students. Make the best use of this opportunity in enriching, augmenting their pedagogical skills and to incorporate them in their classroom teaching, he counseled.

Dr. Vikram Sandhu from University Business School and Coordinator of the Workshop appraised the thrust area of this Workshop, which he said is focused on emerging teaching pedagogical approaches, use of ICT in the classroom and so on. Prof. Amarjit Singh Sidhu from University Business School enlightened the participants about the role, the intelligentsia, particularly; the teaching community has to play in addition to the primary responsibility of teaching and research. Earlier the Chief Guest was accorded a welcome by presenting a sapling by Prof. Amarjit Singh Sidhu, Dr. Mohan Kumar and Dr. Vikram Sandhu.