‘World Standards’ Day’ celebrated at Institution of Engineers (India), Punjab & Chandigarh


‘World Standards’ Day’ celebrated at Institution of Engineers (India), Punjab & Chandigarh

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in News/ October 19,2024

‘World Standards’ Day’ was celebrated by the Institution of Engineers (India), Punjab & Chandigarh State Centre in the premises of Engineers Bhawan, Madhya Marg, Sector 19-A, Chandigarh. The theme for this day was Shared vision for a better World: Spotlight on SDG 9: “Industry, Innovation, And Infrastructure in the Age of AI”.

At the outset, Dr. Labh Singh, FIE, Chairman, Punjab & Chandigarh State Centre, Institution of Engineers (India) extended a warm welcome to the dignitaries, faculty, staff, students, and guests.

Prof. (Dr.) Bhola Ram Gurjar, Director, National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training & Research (NITTTR), Chandigarh was the “Chief Guest” and Prof. (Dr.) T.S. Kamal FIE, Former Vice-President IEI was the “Guest of Honour”. 

The Key Speaker Dr. Dr. A.S. BALGIR IOFS (Retd.), FIE, Additional General Manager (SAG), Indian Ordnance Factories, Deptt. of Defence Production in his presentation briefly touched the importance of International Standards, Sustainable Development Goals as envisioned by UNESCO : Agenda 203, need to focus on infrastructure, industries and innovations vis-à-vis role of International Standards in improving quality of life on planet. He emphasized that the present infrastructure, industry should be updated with latest research and development with financial investments supported by communication technology to cover more areas for dissemination of information to public at large.

'World Standards’ Day' celebrated at Institution of Engineers (India), Punjab & Chandigarh

‘World Standards’ Day’ celebrated at Institution of Engineers (India), Punjab & Chandigarh. Chief Guest and Guest of Honour also addressed the gathering. Er. Swinder Singh, FIE,  Hon. Secretary, IE(I), Punjab & Chandigarh State Centre, presented vote of thanks to all the guests.

About 70 Engineers, Guests and Students attended the function.

About IEI

The Institution of Engineers (India) [IEI] is the largest multi-disciplinary professional body of engineers, established in 1920 with its Headquarters located in Kolkata and incorporated under Royal Charter on 9th September, 1935 by the then His Majesty of King George V. The Royal Charter endowed the Institution with the responsibility to promote the general advancement of engineering amongst its members and persons attached to the Institution. After Independence, the Institution is a “Body Corporate” protected under Article 372 of the Constitution of India. The Institution of Engineers (India) is administered by a National Council with the President as its Head