World University celebrates International Women’s Day


World University celebrates International Women’s Day

The Department of English and Department of Journalism and Mass Communication of Sri Guru Granth Sahib World University, Fatehgarh Sahib celebrated International Women’s Day here today.

Giving information about the celebrations Dean, Faculty of Languages, Dr. Swaraj Raj told that various competitions like Quiz, Debate, Declamation, Extempore, Poster Making and Short films were organized on this occasion and over 200 students from various Universities, Colleges and educational institutes participated in the events.

World University celebrates International Women's Day

The Prize distribution function was presided by the Vice Chancellor of the University, Dr. Sukhdarshan Singh Khehra. Dr. Khehra congratulated the Department of English and Department of Journalism for organizing the event and said that events like these create awareness amongst the masses regarding woman issues.

Registrar of the University, Dr. Pritpal Singh said that celebrating days like these go a long way in sensitizing the society at large. It is worth mentioning here that the students of the department enacted J.B Priestley’s play ”Mother’s Day”. The students also screened a short film directed by them, titled “Parvarinda- The Nurturer” themed around the daily routine of a working woman.