15 Graduates of GNDU’s School of Planning recruited as Assistant Town Planners in PMIDC AND HPSC


15 Graduates of GNDU’s School of Planning recruited as Assistant Town Planners in PMIDC AND HPSC

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in News/ May, 7,2024

As many as fifteen students of Guru Ramdas School of Planning, GNDU, Amritsar are selected as Assistant Town Planners in Punjab Municipal Infrastructure Development Corporation, Chandigarh and Haryana Public Service Commission, Panchkula. Prof. Ashwani Luthra,  Head of the Department, said that its Under-graduates and Post-graduates are high in the North-Western region of India, though they are eligible for Class-I posts in other states as well.

The Department offers specialised UG and PG level programmes. Its Five Years Integrated M. Tech. (Urban and Regional Planning) is a special feature, which provides option to the students to exit after 4 years and get B.Tech. (Urban and Regional Planning) degree. The other programmes are 2 years M.Tech (Urban Planning), M.Tech (Infrastructure Planning), M.Tech (Transport Planning). Admission for all the programmes is starting from 8th May, 2024 by submitting admission forms online on the University website.

15 Graduates of GNDU’s School of Planning recruited as Assistant Town Planners in PMIDC AND HPSC

Prof. Luthra said that the graduates of the department are eligible for the class I gazetted posts in the Town and Country Planning Departments,  Municipal Corporations, Improvement Trusts, and many other public and private sector firms in different part of India. The graduates of the Department are also eligible for public and private sector jobs in coutries like USA, Canada, Australia,  Europe, etc. He said that further information could be had from the University website and the School.