188 employees of PWD and Education department get appointment letters


188 employees of PWD and Education department get appointment letters

KI Singh/ royalpatiala.in/ Chandigarh

Punjab Education and Public works Minister Vijay Inder Singla handed over job appointment letter to 188 government employees of various categories at Mahatama Gandhi State Institute of Public Administration (MGSIPA), Sector-26, Chandigarh

In his address, while congratulating newly-appointed employees, Punjab Education and Public works Minister Vijay inder Singla said that every youth must set his target in life and devoted his full force till the goal is achieved. He exhorted that employees should perform their duties with utmost dedication and honesty as responsibility on their shoulders increases many fold after joining the government job.

188 employees of PWD and Education department get appointment letters-Photo courtesy-Internet

188 employees of PWD and Education department get appointment letters and it is pertinent to mention here that out of these employees, 106 non-teaching and teaching employees have been inducted in Education department on compassionate grounds, while 82 employees are of Public Works Department, which included 71 steno typist selected by Punjab Subordinate Services Selection Board besides 2 clerk and 9 employees of group-d, who are selected on compassionate grounds.

Principal Secretary PWD Vikas Partap, Chief Engineer  Satish Gupta, DPI Education Department Sukhjitpal Singh and others were present on this occasion.