19 New FM Channels allocated for 6 Cities of Punjab


19 New FM Channels allocated for 6 Cities of Punjab

Chandigarh: The Union Government has approved the auction of 683 FM radio channels in 236 cities of the country, out of which 19 channels in 6 cities are allocated to Punjab.

Revealing this here today, an official spokesman of Punjab Government said that out of these 19 FM cahnnels, 4 FM Channels have been allocated for Ludhiana city and 3 each for Abohar, Bathinda, Hoshiarpur, Moga and Pathankot. He said that the allocation new FM channels in these 6 cities would usher in enhanced experience for radio listeners in these cities, hitherto uncovered by the private FM Radio in the state.

19 New FM Channels allocated for 6 Cities of Punjab

“New and interested entrepreneurs can utilize this opportunity for FM radio expansion. Any queries in this regard may be addressed to  Yogendra Trihan, Dy. Director, 011-23384547, email [email protected]”, he added.