3 more Municipal Corporations notified in Punjab


3 more Municipal Corporations notified in Punjab

KS Diwan/ royalpatiala.in/ Chandigarh

Punjab Local Bodies department has issued a notification for upgrading three Municipal Councils to Municipal Corporations. As per the notifications the upgraded Municipal Councils to Municipal Corporations are Batala in Gurdaspur district, Kapurthala and Abohar in Fazilka district.

Earlier the Punjab Council of Ministers in March this year approved up gradation of Batala, Kapurthala and Abohar local bodies as municipal corporations, fulfilling the demand of residents of these areas. With this, Punjab will now have 14 municipal corporations.

3 more Municipal Corporations notified in Punjab

The move is aimed at sprucing up infrastructure in the historic towns of Batala and Kapurthala as part of the 550th Parkash Purb of Guru Nanak Dev and strengthening the urban infrastructure in Abohar. It will help ensure holistic development of these towns, it said.

With the upgrade of three towns as Municipal Corporation, the government would ensure proper devolution of funds to various departments and agencies, the government said.

For a Municipal Corporation a minimum population of 5 lakh, a Municipal Council for a town with at least 50,000 people and a Nagar Panchayat for a town with at least 20,000 people, but govt took special initiative to fulfill the demand of residents of these areas, said a local bodies department official