4 IPS officers inducted into “hard-core” of country’s premier spy agency Intelligence Bureau (IB)


4 IPS officers inducted into “hard-core” of country’s premier spy agency Intelligence Bureau (IB)

Kanwar Inder Singh/royalpatiala.in News/ January 10,2024

The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has approved the proposal of the Ministry of Home Affairs for induction of two women and two men’s IPS officers into the ‘hard-core’ of country’s premier spy agency Intelligence Bureau (IB).

Those inducted are

(i) Dipanker Trivedi, IPS (GJ:2003)

(ii) Amrita Dash, IPS (OD:2006)

(iii) Ake Ravi Krishna, IPS (AP:2006)

(iv)  Veena Bharti, IPS (HP:2007)

4 IPS officers inducted into “hard-core” of country’s premier spy agency Intelligence Bureau (IB). Earlier in March 2023, 10 IPS officers were also included into the ‘hard-core’ of country’s premier spy agency Intelligence Bureau (IB).

4 IPS officers inducted into “hard-core” of country’s premier spy agency Intelligence Bureau (IB)
Intelligence Bureau (IB)

About ‘Hard-Core’

An officer once inducted in the ‘hard-core’ would continue in IB and would not be repatriated to his parent cadre. There may be occasions when the professional utility of a hard- core officer may visibly decline or when for acute administrative reasons, it may be necessary to repatriate him to the State. Such cases may be examined by a Committee comprising the Home Secretary, Secretary (Personnel) and Director, IB and its recommendations be submitted for approval the ACC. Hard-core officer, subject to his empanelment, will be given promotion in the organisation even if personal upgradation is necessary. However, the promotion in IB in various ranks will be in order of seniority of empanelled officers working in IB.  The hard-core officer can seek repatriation, if he is not empanelled for the post of Addl. DG/DG at the centre. A hard-core officer may be allowed repatriation to the State if he/she is being promoted to the DG level. Hard-core officers of the IB would continue to be considered for appointment to the security and intelligence related assignments under the Central Government. In case an officer moves out of IB for taking up other security and intelligence related assignment, the period spent by him in such assignment will count towards deputation tenure while calculating the same for grant of extension or for induction in the hard-core.