20 Institution recommended for status of ‘Institutions of Eminence’


20 Institution recommended for status of ‘Institutions of Eminence’

KS Diwan/ royalpatiala.in/ Chandigarh

The UGC, in its 542ndmeeting held on 02nd August 2019 has considered the reports of the Empowered Expert Committee (EEC) appointed by Government under the Chairmanship of N Gopalaswami recommending  (15) Public institutions and (15) Private institutions for considering to give status of Institutions of Eminence.

Since the scheme has only provided for (10) Public and (10) Private Institutions, the UGC has examined the list of (15) Public and (15) Private Institutions using transparent and verifiable criteria.

The following were the principles used for identifying the (10) Public and (10) Private Institutions, from the list of (15) Public and (15) Private Institutions recommended by the EEC:

  1. Since the thrust of the scheme is to prepare institutions for the global rankings, no existing institution which has NOT figured in any of the global/national ranks shall be recommended for the IoE status.
  2. Only after exhausting the above criterion, if any slot remains vacant, consideration shall be given to ‘yet to be established (Greenfield)’ proposals.
20 Institution recommended for status of ‘Institutions of Eminence’-Photo courtesy-Internet

Public Institutions:

In accordance with the above principles, the UGC has ranked the list of (15) recommendations as per the QS-2020 World Rankings. Wherever there is a tie, used theQS-2019 India Rankings as a tie-breaker.

Accordingly, the following are recommended for grant of IoE status:

S NoInstitutionWorld Rankings (QS 2020)India Rankings (QS 2019)Recommendation of UGC
1IIT Bombay (INI)1521Already declared IoE
2IIT Delhi (INI)1824Already declared IoE
3IISC Bangalore (Deemed Univ)1842Already declared IoE
4IIT Madras (INI)2713Recommended for declaring as IoE
5IIT Kharagpur (INI)2815Recommended for declaring as IoE
6Delhi University (Central Univ)4748Recommended for declaring as IoE
7University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad (Central Univ)601-6507Recommended for declaring as IoE
8Jadavpur University, Kolkata (State Univ)651-70012Needs consultation with State Govt. prior to consideration
9Anna University, Chennai  (State Univ)751-80013Needs consultation with State Govt. prior to consideration
10BHU, Varanasi (Central Univ)801-100015Recommended for declaring as IoE
11Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune (State Univ)801-100019 
12AMU, Aligarh (Central Univ)801-100033 
13Tezpur University (Central Univ)Not ranked36 
14Panjab University, Chandigarh (State/Central Univ)Not ranked49 
15Andhra University, Visakhapatnam  (State Univ)Not ranked46 
20 Institution recommended for status of ‘Institutions of Eminence’-Photo courtesy-Internet

The State Universities: Jadavpur University and Anna University can be considered for issue of the IoE status only after the respective State Governments have issued an official communication allocating their share of the funds (up to 50%).

Private Institutions:

UGC has ranked the list of the (15) private institutions recommended by the EEC by taking their ranking in the QS India or NIRF rankings, and NIRF ranking has been used as tie-breaker. In case there is any vacant slot after considering all the ranked institutions, the same was used for ‘yet to be set up (greenfield)’ institution.

S NoInstituteIndia Rankings (QS 2019)India Ranking


UGC recommendation
1BITS Pilani, Rajasthan172317Already selected and given Letter of Intent
2Manipal Academy of Higher Education260911Already selected and given Letter of Intent
3Jio Institute (Reliance Foundation, Maharashtra)Green Field

(yet to be established)

Already selected and given Letter of Intent
4Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bangalore4088Recommended for issue of LoI
5VIT Vellore,Tami Nadu441916Recommended for issue of LoI
6Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi51-551823Recommended for issue of LoI
7Kalinga Instt. of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar61-653142Recommended for issue of LoI
8O.P JINDAL University, Haryana66-70Recommended for issue of LoI
9Shiv Nadar University, Uttar Pradesh5248Recommended for issue of LoI
10Bharti (Satya Bharti Foundation), DelhiGreenfield

(yet to be established)

Recommended for issue of LoI in the vacant slot
11Azim Premji University, BangaloreNot ranked, not considered 
12Ashoka University, Sonepat, HaryanaNot ranked, not considered 
13KREA University (IFMR), Chennai, Tamil NaduNot ranked, not considered 
14IIHS (Indian  Institute for Human Settlements), BangaloreNot ranked, not considered 
15Indian Institute of Public Health, GandhinagarNot ranked, not considered 

In case of the private institutions proposed as Institutions of Eminence, there will be no financial support, but they will be entitled for more autonomy as a special category Deemed University.

The Greenfield Institutions would get 3 year period to establish and operationalise the institution, and thereafter, EEC will consider giving IoE status to such institutions.